We went up beyond Tan Hill today to look for Black Grouse. When we got to the spot we scanned about but zero, but then as has happened before, one tiny black dot appeared from nowhere, then another, and another, until there were six of them pecking about together. Although I took a couple of record shots it is only us who know what the tiny black specks half a mile away were. So instead I have posted this Red Grouse who was standing on a wall as we drove past. I walked back up the road, all the time thinking he would fly off, but he stood there while I blipped him. Only afterwards did he do his "Go-back, go-back, go-back" call, so I did. Unfortunately in this photo I seem to have caught him at just the wrong moment, but he's a handsome fellow nonetheless. How people can find excitement and pleasure shooting defenceless birds like these I'm afraid I will never understand.

Hope this glorious weather continues for us all.

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