It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

Damn it's hot!

I think I am feeling a little better today. Although I did start my morning by being sick again :-(. Mum & daddy laugh because I am sick and then within a minute I am wagging my tail & running round & round. They said it takes a lot to knock me down!

Daddy is laughing at mum because he says she is obsessed with my toilet habits. He said to me 'watch out Lily, mums on woopsie watch again'! She said it is because I've been so poorly, she just wants to see me 'back to normal woopsies'. Oh dear. All too much for some people to hear about I expect.

We didn't go to the beach because I'm not really 100% but mum did take me to our little seafront here this morning & I had another paddle. Then this afternoon I've been on a long walk with mum & daddy in the sunshine. It's reeeeeaaaallly hot. I have never felt it before. Mum says it's the lovely sun in the sky & it makes people feel much better. I hope it makes me all better. I was out of breath & panting a lot on our walk. This is me in the cricket ground near us. There were some people playing with a ball & I sooooo wanted to join in but mum & daddy wouldn't let me. Spoilsports!

I was so tired on the way back. When I cross the road mum has trained me to sit & wait for the cars to go & then we can cross. Everytime we waited on the way back I decided I would have a lie down & daddy had to run across waving his arms at me to entice me to get up. Everyone was looking at me from their cars. Daddy said I have a lot of fans?!

I'm resting in the cool kitchen again now. Daddy is making homemade burgers for the BBQ for mums tea. Lucky mum. If only my tum was ok maybe they might let me taste some???? I'm getting bored of fish rice & all bran!

Maybe we might get to the beach tomorrow. I'm crossing my paws.

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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