Banging on!

Sometimes I feel thats nearer a description of me than I like, seeing as I am always banging on about something!

Spent the afternoon in Bonnie Oban (again) doing a shoot for a local childrens festival. They spend a week being taught all manner of Scottish Trad music and song, then at the end of the week they do a wee show.

Amazing what they can learn in a week.

Saw that TV auctioneer Anita Manning the Scottish one as she is up in Oban doing a sort of antique valuation day to raise funds for the resurrection of the now defunct Oban cinema. You pay 5 quid to get in and that goes towards money for the cinema and later they will have a fund raising ceilidh. However having spent most of the week going up and down that flaming road with its 33 double bends, I think I will be giving it a miss.

#1 son home for the night along with #2 daughter so almost a full house, firdge now empty!

Have a good blip weekend all

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