A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Sunshine walking

Today has been a long day!

A day full of brain-work.

My head hurts a little.

Though, it's been a good one, exceeded expectations :]

Uni from 9 until 3.30 for debate prep & presenting.
Flat for a quick nap & book switch over.
LRC to get some essay writing done.
Trip to the Fort to buy cereal...passed McDonald's and gave in. New low!
Back to the flat to eat.
Now essay writing.

The weather has been beautiful yet again & my walk between flat & uni isn't bad at all...currently decorated with some of creation's beauties :]

The debates in uni were really interesting and prompted a fair amount of discussion and thought. (Admittedly this isn't cool timing considering the assignment deadlines tomorrow!) The 3 topics were - practitioner assisted suicide, methadone programme on the NHS and whether or not psychiatry does more harm than good.

Our group was debating the motion "This house believes that the methadone programme should be withdrawn from the NHS due to its failure to rehabilitate heroine addicts". It wasn't something I'd really spent a lot of time thinking before, but reading around and researching it today was really interesting and definitely a topic for further discussion.

However, the topic I found most interesting was that of practitioner assisted suicide. Having done an ethics module for A-level RS and working in a nursing home during my gap year & holidays it's something I was relatively familiar with. There is a lot of valid points to both side of this argument and the discussion that went on following the presented debates today was really interesting. My ideas and opinions in this area are probably a lot more concrete in this area than the others, due to greater familiarity with it, but today definitely helped shape & challenge those opinions a little.

Anyway, blip isn't the place for getting into discussion or debate about these things...so I'm keeping it vague. I guess I just needed to get it a wee bit out of my system before going back to tackling these essays!

I've resigned myself to a late night tonight...and am mentally preparing myself for an all-nighter if it comes to that!

As long days go...it's been quite a good one :]

(Yea...the picture would have worked better if there was a few more daffies & they weren't facing down...but I kind of like it :])

EDIT - ^^ my taking a break from essay writing has just resulted in a mini-essay...d'oh!

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