Pixel Smiths

By pixelsmiths


I guess you get to a stage in photography where you want to try new things. Funny that yesterday I was saying to barking that I enjoy shapes and skies, and here I am shooting a lens cap!

Well, that is the fun and challenge of Blip. New things. Over at Kiwidino you can see him playing with flowers - very pretty, but what a pansy eh ... I don't really mean that KD ;-)

Me, well I bought a light tent last week and a Perspex (reflective) stand. Some lights are on the shopping list soon.

Here's my first effort. Yes, I need some lights, I need to clean up the perspex, and then I need a place to put all this ;-)

I present to you my humble lens cap.

Which actually has story ... I lose them constantly! So I just bought 2 spares as well ;-)

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