Photo A Day 2008

By 2008photoaday

My favorite Picture: Ever

My Uncle was a great guy, loved by all he touched in his short life. At 58 he left us all too soon. A heart attack claimed him back in December of 2007.
As a Photographer he met and shot a lot of cool and wonderful things. He owned and operated a family photography studio for almost 30 years. He made his living doing something he loved, had passion about and gave us memories bound on film and in frames

He took this picture, which is framed in my home (a large 24 by 30 print he did for us as a gift). He would do one photo shoot a year with my kids, in his studio- I miss him SO much. Outfit changes, costumes and props- we have SOME REALLY great pictures of my kids from him...

I walk by this photo EVERY DAY and see him behind his camera taking this shot. I loved being in his studio, hanging out and just talking, He offered to me a thousand time's "Dave, come with me to a wedding, help me shoot some Senior Photo's, come out and play with me and see the business- get a feel for posing people and working as my assistant to "learn more""- I never bothered to do it, not so much a regret that I did not go with him, but rather a chastised pupil from his favorite teacher- I should have listened, not just heard him talking about photography....

My blip today is dedicated to my Uncle, Tim. Your missed, never forgotten and thought of every day fondly. Your a personal inspiration to me each time I pick up my camera to follow in your footsteps.

Peace All,

Photo A Day 2008

I am interested in seeing your Blip folks "favorite", meaningful pictures, I'd love to see your inspiration?


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