
By mollyblobs

Homeward bound

It's been a long day! After taking Alex for an early morning haircut (which wasn't the greatest success and involved me doing quite a bit of remedial work) I set off for Sheffield to collect Chris and his belongings. He's only at home for two days before flying off to Shanghai on Friday. The journey's were uneventful, although it seemed a shame to be spending four hours in a car on the warmest day of the year so far (23.5C on the way back!).

Fortunately we arrived home in enough time for an early evening walk in Bluebell Wood. Spring is galloping along now - the bluebells are in full flower, most of the trees are flushed with green and there seem to be blackcaps singing round every corner. This photograph was taken as we were heading back to the car - I liked the evening light and the long shadows of the dogs.

After tea Chris presented me with a very large box of Thornton's chocolates - a belated Mother's Day present. I was glad to see the half-price sticker - he's definitely following in my footsteps!! But bang goes any idea of a diet - at least for a week or so!

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