happily ever after...

By thir13en


dead leaves on dans tree...

i have a cold. :( boo

schools almost over! kinda crazy..

i dont know what my plan is.. i'd like to stay in whitby and get work. but i've had literally zero replies for the hundred (at least) applications i've put out.. it's insane.. i've applied to a call centre in cobourg, so who knows, maybe i'll spend the summer there.. i also gave my sister a resume for her to hang into her work. she mentioned they wanted to hire summer students, but i know it's not for a while..

dans roomate has continued her psychotic-ness... she has removed all of her belongings from the kitchen... so they have no bowls, plates, silverware, nothing.. but they haven't left.

she also called the cops.. because dan and her boyfriend were talking? there was shouting? like seriously. cry wolf much.

the cop tried to play his tough-cop card. bullshitting his way through a conversation with us. saying "if we have to come back, someone is leaving" in a threatening tone.. even though i know full well, that if anyone is leaving, it would be by their own choice. since dan is on the lease, and has done nothing wrong they can't remove him from his residence...

do cops think people are that dumb? i rolled my eyes when he was talking and he's like "'don't roll your eyes while i'm talking to you"

why not. you do not have any authority over my eyeballs. you barely have authority as it is. in fact you ONLY have authority if i break the law.. which i didn't. and i haven't. so you can suck it.

fuck i hate arrogant cops.

Photo Location: Here

i know we said some things that we can never take back
it's like a train wreck trying to hit the right track
we opened up the wine and we just let it breathe
but we should've drank it down while it was still sweet
it all goes bad eventually

P!nk - Mean

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