Death Throes

I had plans for today.
Unfortunately the powers that be also had plans which interfered with mine.
A combination of rain and wind reduced my horizons to watching people fight with umbrellas as they bent into the wind crossing the Meadows.

A brief five minutes of sun gave me hope, but alas back came the rain with a little more punch, all of which meant I could blip early and wait for better weather.

The blipmeet at Spoon last night was held round a table so big that one could only wave at the folk on the other side, but it was nice to meet new faces.

Much beer was drunk and a few cameras unsheathed. Dotty's Brian was stroked and admired by men who should know better, with Photo Cameos supplying double entendres at the drop of a hat.
Bowls of chips were placed dangerously close to ladies on diets and faggots demolished with gusto.
An XXL ladies Blipfoto T-shirt was produced and admired for its dainty size. Goodness knows what the Small size looks like.

On the presumption that the elderly should not be among the first to arrive and the last to leave, I made my excuses a tad too early, sadly missing the much praised chocolate brownies made by SooB. Had I known, I might have been persuaded to stay a little longer and deliver my opinion on them.

In the absence of anything else prompting a sign of creativity, I've blipped these tulips which are well passed their sell by date.

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