
By karenjulia

Beauty Regime

A (female) colleague today was very flattering about my age putting me at 8 years younger than I am. When you are about to turn 49, that is pretty nice to hear!

Another colleague quoted Courtney Cox as saying that once a women turns 40 she has to choose between her bum and her face - I guess referring to a little excess weight is good for the way your facial skin looks, but not so good from the rear!

Anyway, I don't wear make up, I don't smoke and I try to avoid the sun although like any kiwi my age, I was raised with lots of sun. A simple beauty regime - a natural toner, good moisturiser (this Trilogy one is not expensive and smells divine) and an eye creme PLUS two or three good facials a year. But of course it may be all genetic - my mum isn't very wrinkly :) or maybe just luck? Or maybe next week everything will fall downwards? I guess if I knew for sure I could make a fortune!

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