Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176

I like to ride my bicycle?

Elizabeth had her first bike trip! We went out to Thetford Forest and hired some bikes for an hour. Elizabeth really wan't sure about it and kept her dummy in for most of the journey. But she didn't scream, she didn't get upset, and she did smile quite a few times.

One of the biggest problems was that the helmet she was using was too big for her. It kept slipping down. I'm sure she would have been happier if she had been able to see better. So, for next time, we'll buy her a helmet. We're going to give it a few turns before buying a bike seat though.

After the cycling we had a picnic. Elizabeth loved standing up to have her lunch. I was quite surprised that she didn't try to wander off. She was quite content to stay with us and look all around her.

Next up was the park. She still isn't keen on swings, but by golly she loved the slide! We couldn't get her on it enough! And she was very grumpy when we took her away from it.

It was a lovely day.

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