Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

Nine Birds

It's amazing how used one can become used to brilliant weather. It's only when it is taken away that it's missed. Despite the drecihness, I stopped at the shore, and took a few photos of the birds playing around . It was only when I downloaded the photos that I realised there were more birds there than the oyster catchers I had been aiming at. They are very well camoflaged.

Can you spot them all?

We had a great dinner last night to say farewell to a colleague and friend, Susan, who is off to pastures new. It was good craic. Susan is a brilliant photographer, and I know that she checks up on my blip entries occasionally. Maybe she can be persuaded to join the community one of these days.

I'm posting this on Sunday, as my computer threw a hissy fit yesterday, and I fear that it is a new battery which is demanded. I managed to get it to power up to send this, but the battery is not recharging. Without my laptop I suddenly feel like I have lost a limb.

How sad is that?

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