Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

Auchmithie Boat

I wanted Puffins, but I got Seagulls instead. I hoped that a trip to Auchmithie might prove fruitful to take some shots of the Puffins as they return to their burrows for the breeding season, but I guess I'm a bit too early for that.

The beach is unbelievably pebbly, in all shapes and sizes. This made it really tricky to walk on, and for being a Capricorn, I'm no mountain goat.

I was really saddened to see how much the harbour has decayed since my last visit. Now there are only 3 blue boats, rotting and beached on the grassy bank. I would love to see a regeneration of this fishing village, even if it only offers trips around the cliffs to tourists.

On returning to Arbroath in the afternoon, we headed to the harbour for a walk. I was able to get the contact details of 5 Skippers who can offer trips to the Bellrock Lighthouse. The price seems to be really reasonable at around £13 per person for 3 hours. One of the vessels, the Marie Dawn even has toilets, and that might be a factor to consider.

I was thinking of booking the trip for a weekend in May, but would need to get names and contact details of those of you who would be interested in taking this trip with me before I can go ahead.

I'll put my email address on my journal page if you want to get in touch.

Ahoy land-blippers, let's cast off!


I got my blippers t-shirt today, so cheesy, so cool, I do it once a day!

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