The Long Way Round
Is frequently much more interesting. And not taking the direct route from A to B can lead us to discover things we didn't even know we were looking for. I had thought I would blip some of the stunning displays of daffodils in the centre of the city, but instead I liked this view of the George Square labyrinth, even if I couldn't quite fit it all in!
"The design of the Edinburgh Labyrinth is based on the 13th century labyrinth laid in the floor of Chartres Cathedral in France.
Unlike a maze that challenges the mind with blind alleys, dead ends and choices to be made, labyrinths have only one clear, winding path leading you from the outer edge into the centre and back out again. Walking the path offers a unique space to slow down, still the mind and explore the inner landscape of the soul."
From the instructions at the entrance to the labyrinth.
Walking round the labyrinth from outer entrance to centre took me 437 steps, when a straight line walk, ignoring the pattern would have been just 11. The labyrinth lengthens the journey almost forty times. It's not exact, because of the tight corners in the pattern, but the labyrinth's 21 feet radius thereby becomes over 800 feet of walking.
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