Today I woke to a real Autumn day, a real misty, moisty morning. And it was cool as well.
So, I've been at home for most of the day. I haven't really achieved very much, a couple of loads of washing a bit of tidying up, and that was it.
I then sat down for lunch, (tomato soup) and suddenly I had two kittens with me, Sophia lying beside me, and Neo snuggled up on my lap, so it must be cold.
Whilst they were with me, I carried on sewing my unicorn. Well, I finished it, but I was right the fabric was all wrong, and it split apart when I turned it the right side out, plus one of the front legs was longer than the other. So altogether a disaster. So in the bin it went.
So, tomorrow will have to get some different fabric and start again.
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