Dusk on Caroline Bay

This is at the opposite end to this one, and at the other end of the day. I left work, took a wee detour to the beach and snapped this with the point & shoot. The green fluroesent triangle is a navigation aid for shipping. Looks as if there has been a high seas running by the logs washed up on the beach.

After the wet and wild Monday, the sun shone today and shone on the first snow fall of the winter, looking very pristine on the mountains.

Good day at work (at last) - it sure makes a difference when we have regular staff, yes my colleague has returned and life in reception is returning to some sort or order.

Doug has tried to go to work this week and has managed a few hours, still very sore and at times in a lot of pain....seems in good form tonight though, phew!

Things to do....


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