Bill Door

By BillDoor


I know that is not what these are called but my lovely wife referred to them as that. It has kind of stuck.

I have not blipped in the past few days as we were in London to see these guys. The show was fantastic and if you get the chance to see them I would highly recommend you do so. They are coming to the SECC in Glasgow sometime in April. We are going to go and see them again.

I did not think that I was going to enjoy London as much as I did. We did not visit all the usual tourist attractions (except Camden market) and spent the day wandering around the shops and just chilling out.

This is the first time that Gillian and I have gone away anywhere, She is my most favourite person in the whole world and it was great getting away with her. I will be doing this more often I think. Its exactly what my soul was needing.

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