Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

The Perfect Sunday

I woke up to breakfast in bed this morning, cards and a basket of flowers. A very pleasant surprise from my beautiful, thoughtful daughter.
The morning sunshine was streaming into the bedroom, I could hear the birds singing and someone mowing their lawn, the perfect start to the day.

We visited Mr G's Mum and Dad for lunch and sat in their summerhouse reading the Sunday papers, whilst drinking coffee and being served bacon and cheese rolls.
Rocket and Radar ran around the garden, entertaining us with their usual antics.

I had an afternoon nap, (two hours apparently) and awoke just in time to visit my Mum for Sunday dinner.

My Sister, Graeme and Eve were there too. Hazel is ready to deliver baby no. 2 any day now and she would if she could.
We swapped pregnancy stories and looked at pictures of me when I was two weeks from delivering Claire.
I looked like I was hiding a bass drum up my shirt. But then Claire was 10lbs 2oz.
I didn't like to say to Hazel that she looks very similar in size to me in that picture. I'm sure she doesn't even want to think about delivering a baby as big as that.

After dinner, I went outside with Eve as she ran around Grandma's garden. She's got some amount of energy and she wouldn't stay still for long. Every time I called her towards me she would laugh and run off in the opposite direction.
She did get close enough for me to be able to get take this shot...and then she was off again.

I've had a wonderful lazy day.

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