Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Love is...

...thoughtfulness. 8-)

Part of my Mothers' Day gifts included this beautiful homemade pencil case, designed and sewn by my 11 year old son, and a bunch of roses that my 13 year old son bought me with his own money. I also had my Fizzy Pansies, some homemade cards and some books. I feel very special today - thanks boys - and dad - who cooked us all a beautiful roast beef dinner so a day off cooking too - does it get any better?

Had a mainly chilling out day today. Spent some time helping my middle son sew his cousin a phone sock, then a leisurely shower before going to dad's for dinner. After dinner I popped out with two of the boys for some retail therapy and then home and two hours of gardening. I now have an aching back and I blame Kinda Horrigans for all her gardening talk!! Time in the garden has made me realise how much it has been neglected over the last 4 years while I did my degree. Oh dear - lots of work needed there to add to the mile-long list of jobs to do around the house :-(

All in all a lovely day - just a shame my mum couldn't be there to share it with us - miss you and love you mum xxxxxx

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