Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Very Naughty!

So, as I sat, watching some people doing ice dancing on the telly this afternoon, wishing I was slim and elegant and successful, I comfort ate myself through this whole bag of nibbles!

Nibbles are one of my great weaknesses. I love them. I have no comprehension of the word "reclosable" on the top - how does one stop part way through a bag of these lovelies once one has started?

Today is always a tough one. Mother's Day is NOT my favourite day of the year. It seems to me that those people who are fortunate enough to be able to have children get loads of praise heaped on them for having that luck. Those of us who are infertile, have spent hours and hours sitting in infertility clinics, been poked and prodded by numerous doctors, had more blood tests than hot dinners, been unable to get IVF on the NHS because of our age/postcode/weight etc. and can't afford to pay for it privately, are simply ignored in the deluge of "aren't Mummies wonderful" stuff!

So I ate a bag of nibbles. Today I needed them.

And the Wonderspouse and I slept on the sofa, and watched videos about stone age people, and watched Columbo and Midsomer Murders, and some people ice dancing.

And tonight there's new Lewis on telly! Hurrah!

And I e-mailed my tutor to ask for a maths extension since I'm behind after all the work stuff that's gone on recently. I hope she says yes!

Keep working, keep trying. Like the Wonderspouse says, trying hard doesn't mean you'll succeed, but not trying at all probably means you won't!

Back to the sofa and the telly for now though.

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