Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick

Keeper of the keys

Meet Che Guevara. Keeper of my keys. Me and Che have been together about four years and in this particular situation he sits comfortably alongside Merrill, the bottle opener. Merrill Lynch that is, as in the bank. Back in 2008 I organised a conference which was held at the ML offices near St Pauls in London and somehow or other I ended up with a bag of 'corporate crap' which included several bottle openers (very useful) and several squashy rubber bulls (pounced upon by my colleagues back in Norwich).

To summarise, we have:
1 front door key
1 back door key
1 alleygate key
1 bike lock key
1 bike back wheel key (no idea how that works, even though I've had the Pashley about 5 years)
1 key on a VW holder that I have no idea what it's for. I would have remembered if it was the key to an actual VW camper van ,,,,

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