In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall


This bridge was erected in the 1800's, and was only closed for vehicular use in1983. As you can see it is quite narrow and could only accomodate one way at a time traffic and only a couple of cars at a time.
Right up until the 70's, kids and youths would dive from it's fence into the river below, at high tide obviously, because it is a tidal river.
and the mouth of it is less than a mile from here: also the tide stops coming in just a short strech upriver from this bridge.
I cannot imagine the Health and Safety people allowing that to happen now. But things like that , and like boys climbing trees, are very rarely, if ever, seen around theses parts.
I actually took severalshots before deciding on this one.I like the way that the nearest arch looks like a circle.
It is 0430a.m. as I write this, and I have just finished an uneventful night driving my taxi. I enjoy working Friday and Saturday nights, I must be mad.

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