Eternal Love

By eternallove

To Notice.

You know, it's really easy to ignore the little things.
It's easy to forget about the smallest detail.
But the funny thing is, those little thing that are usually overlooked,
They shouldn't be taken for granted.

As I was in the car, I couldn't help but be amazed at how beautiful the clouds appeared. And I came to realize once again on how beautifully God created earth. And you know what? It's really a blessing to see these beautiful scenery. And I regret that I become so consumed with things that human created that I don't take the time to enjoy God's creation. Seriously, there should be a day where everyone leaves behind human created technology (like cellphone, mp3, ect) and just enjoy the nature. I would love to do that. Especially praising Him for what He made. :)

Don't you think so?

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