Guinea Pig Zero

By gpzero

Phantoms, and Flitting Shadows

I attended a reading of the play Ajax today at the university. It was only a reading, and not a full-on performance, but the actors were all "world-class "--to put it mildly. Sophocles has risen again, this time in his full armor.

The play was presented in solidarity with the returning veterans, many of whom suffer from PTSD. Today, many of the early 20th Century phrases I knew were replaced by newer, soldier-based language. "Take him out," and "thousand-yard stare" were in there.

I know the play from my college days, when I read it in Ancient Greek and (as a class exercise) memorized passges from it. All that pounded back into my mind as I listened.

These carp in my blip are the fishes of the pool, in front of the university's museum. They pleased me especially because they thought I had food to offer them. It makes them gather for a photograph --opposite of my cats!

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