city peasant
"How much you pay for glass green?"
"Same as brown glass. Same as clear glass. What, you think this is gold mining or something? We get daily print-outs from the federal fuckin' recycling commission or something."
"How much you pay for the cans Coke?"
"A nickel, a nickel. Come on lady, empty the shopping cart or take it to Somerville. I ain't got all day."
"How much you pay for copper?"
"Copper? You got copper? You got copper maybe we can talk?"
"I don't want no hot copper lady."
"Hot copper?"
"Stolen, stolen."
"No, this from my house. All wires. I take it out. I take it all out. You buy copper?"
"Whadaya mean you 'take it all out?'"
"I take it all out. Pull, pull pull."
"Hey Charlie. Come over here, we got a live one."
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