michigan man

By outdoorguy


Hard choice for a picture today. Should I go with happy or sad? Comic or tragic?
I hope you can see I went with the happy. We were in an area of small art houses called the Village of the Arts in Bradenton, Florida. Some of the houses had their backyards open for garden tours. We were in a garden that had a lot of glass works, birdhouses, and pottery items. A group of 4 ladies was trailing behind us. One of them reached out to touch the pottery frog, and....IT MOVED!!!!. I circled back and took several shots. Is'nt he/she just adorable?
On the sad front....I was worried about where Mimi, the muscovy duck, had located her nest. When we got there this morning, 4-5 eggs were broken, and the materials that had made up the nest were scattered everywhere. She was still sitting on the nest, so maybe she still has some eggs left. Her big dark eyes looked very sad, and the words to her from my wife and I did'nt seem to help.
Sometimes nature is hard to understand and also hard to watch.

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