
By Appreciation

Couldn't Resist

When I bought the big pink curlers on Thursday, I had an urge to put them in my hair, get my Cindy plastic Slipperettes out, the sparkly ones, my fake lipstick, and prance around the kitchen, click clacking all the way. But I resisted. My girl, it would seem, couldn't!

She went to bed in these big Curlers last night. Ooouch, can you remember how sore that was? She got up this morning and still didn't take them out.

She has a big night out tonight, the girls are going up town to a Restaurant, not a chain, a proper Restaurant to celebrate a friend's Birthday and then for one of those 'Sleep' Overs, where no sleep actually takes place. She has a full day tomorrow, so spent today catching up with homework and study. She sat at the kitchen table with her curlers, plaits, grips thingimies and worked, worked, worked.

I did ask what she was expecting her hair to turn out like, given that there were small plaits and big curlers. She had no idea, but thought it worth a laugh. She is a funny thing. She is off out - already! The hair didn't work so is in the 'Laura Ashley' style bun which I remember from my youth.

All that pain and suffering and no result to speak off. What a waste. Anyway I reckon I've been doing blip too long. At the start, there is no way she would have allowed me to take this, let alone use it!

Thought the Coolpix did ok in Portrait mode given that the sun was streaming in the window. I'm liking this wee camera now - I may not want mine back - that's a lie. Scarlet Haberdashery is liking mine too and learning such a lot.

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