
By Hilly

Visit to Glasgow

Although I knew that my passport was due for renewal I had left it too late to renew by post so up early today to get the train through to weegie-land. Having four hours to kill I did some shopping, something which I normally hate but it always seems better in Glasgow.

I of course visited the cathedral to the fruit god and had a little go on iPad 2. I was tempted but resisted.

Outside I came across one of the street entertainers, Clanadonia, giving it laldy on the drums. Sounded good too.

Outside the Buchanan Galleries the first of the election nonsense with the Labour Party surrounded by red balloons including thingy Gray. On the way back they had moved on and the Scottish Greens were doing their thing. We've got a month of this stuff!

Anyway I'm now legal to travel for the next ten years - my goodness I'll be xx!

Have a lovely weekend folks

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