Another Spain

By tmyers437

Can't Buy Me Love

The Beatles

I think this whole idea of "Valentine's Day" is a waste of emotions. I don't like the holiday when I have a boyfriend. I don't like the holiday when I'm single. This holiday is pretty pointless. When I have a boyfriend I feel obligated to get a gift, and be all lovey dovey. And when I'm single I feel bad because I don't have anyone to share it with. Over all I try to just forget the whole day. I wish I could. but maybe the fact that I'm a woman I remember this day. I have no idea.

You can't put a price on love. Love just happens. I would know. I was in love once. Some might say, "It was wasn't love if you fell out of love" But I believe that you can have many loves. The love of a family. The love from best friends. And the Love from a significant other. But how ever you celebrated today I hope you had a great.....

Single Awareness Day!

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