
By middleman


A companion piece to yesterday.

Had a swim and a wander in the afternoon to buy a ridiculous amount of postage stamps before the price rise next week and found myself down an alley off a side street photographing all manner of stuff. Will have to return there another day - lots of potential, the usual kind of thing.

Attempted a film in the evening but the combination of sofa plus DVD nearly always results in me falling asleep and tonight was no exception. And, even though I denied I'd missed anything, my defence was weak. Especially when I was tested on a couple of plot points and I really had no idea what had happened. Perhaps a re-watch. Perhaps not bother. It seemed OK, nothing great, although the title track by Devendra Banhart was pretty lovely.

Musically, I went German today, just for a change, some wares from the mighty Kompkat label in particular. Mmm, Dettinger, he's rather good.

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