About sums me up

no, not like a pine cone....a bit black and white, not exactly me at the moment, a bit brittle. Work is getting me down, my colleague has been on long term sick, there`s no extra budget so consequently no extra help so I`m having to do the job on my own with my part time porter. I`m so knackered at the end of the week and there`s no light at the end of the tunnel yet my boss wants every pound of flesh he can get out of me.
At one time I would be only to willing to stay a bit longer to get the job done and a bit more besides, but now I can`t wait to sign out and go home. Very much `can`t be arsed` syndrome.

Do have a good weekend all, I`m off to Liverpool on Sunday with t`other half to plant out my Mums` front garden in return for Sunday lunch with home made apple pie and a chocolate cake

Got my Blip T-shirt today....cheered my up

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