Onwards & Upwards

By BeanieButton

Mines Megan

How do you like to go up in a swing,
Up in the air so blue?
Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing
Ever a child can do!

Picked up little K from school he came out of class with a big thumbs up from his teacher & a certificate 'writer of the week' which said 'Fantastic work K, you had such imaginative ideas. Keep up this great writing' ... one very proud mummy! If you'd have told me in September he'd be reading & writing by now I wouldn't have believed you!

So to the park we headed with a friend, Richard and his 2 little one's Master J and Miss 'mines' Megan which is what Miss F calls her! Had a good giggle talking about the trials and tribulations of parenting & past lives! The sun shone and the littlies played nicely! Here's Miss F & Miss 'mines' Megan swinging on the tyre pretending they're monsters/dinosaurs/tigers (one of these at least)!

Chilling out now with a glass of wine ... ok a bottle! Good job you got me on my first glass!!

Night blippers x

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