
By Poppy

Learn to laugh about life . . .

Had to be in at the vet by 9am with Dottie, the Persian cat, who has cystitis. She was very good and got an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory injection, tablets and special food to help break up the crystals in her urine. Even though she was in pain, she was such a good girl and put up with the car journey pretty well.

Went to see my friend for morning coffee. Although she is in a wheel chair I have never heard her complain and she gets so much out of life, doing alot more than so many able bodied folk. She's got lots of interests and ideas and is such fun to be with. Puts one's own problems and miseries into perspective, and I always leave with a much more positive attitude to life than when I went in!

Up at the ponies all the mud in the gateway is now completely dried up, and so Ollie had a great time, snuffling about for rabbits or rats. They are thoroughly enjoying this better weather and are looking in good condition. This is Beauty smelling the new hay I've just put out for them, but she does look as if she's laughing!

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