Just the Withers......

By JaneW

So,I cut the top of my head off....

It's our wedding anniversary today,five years married and almost 16 years to the day since I blighted his happy existence.His mother warned him,his friends warned him and even my own darling Daddy said ' shes a spoilt brat,you will RUE the day son,rue the day' ... anyway he was warned and not a care did he have,for I was like the cat from Shrek you see..... all doe eye's when a'wantin and then like a whirling dervish of temper when thwarted.... so Mr Withers learnt that if you gave in you got the cat from Shrek more often....

In a nutshell the light of my life spoils me so, and I in turn shall love him forever and let him make me cups of tea (because he likes it)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

p.s he also loves our three daughters so much it makes my heart hurt x

I love you James Alexander Withers x

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