Every Little Step

By moonfairy


Well, the forecast for today was for sunshine and showers. What they didn't say was the the showers would be more like torrential downpours, and last for a good 20 minutes at a time.

Saw the most stunning rainbow this evening. I was driving home, went around a bend, and there was this glorious sight, a huge, bright rainbow. I didn't blip it, as I knew by the time I parked etc it would probably have gone.

So I'm afraid you got a flower instead.

Neo knocked my watch and my camera on the floor yesterday. Not worried about the watch as it was just a cheapo. But he had to knock my more expensive camera down. Luckily it was in a case, and it landed on my sandals rather than the tiles. Will have to put it away in future, but then if I do that. it's not to hand when I need it. Dilemma!!

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