Shade of Promise

By shade

A Glowing Personality

I know today's Valentine's Day and I should put up something for it, but I've never much cared for the holiday. I get nauseated just thinking about it. Even if I wasn't single, I still wouldn't care much for it. I don't know maybe it's seeing all these kids at school giving each other extra things besides the required cards, while I got nothing but said required cards, that made me not like the holiday. Maybe because people get all mushy on this day, or maybe it's because I don't see why couples need a holiday to express their love. If they really love each other, shouldn't they express it all the time? Of course I know that there is more to this holiday and why it started, but these things are what the holiday have become in recent years. It originally had something to do with celebrating the martyr of St. Valentine from what I can gather. But since people associate the holiday with love, I guess you can say my blip fits in with it. My blip is about something I love. Cats!

I've been lifting weights with my pastor early on some mornings, and I've been trying to get a shot of his cat Mittens. Today I finally succeeded.

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