
By Ilaria

The perfect shelter!!

Another visit to Pollock Park House today...or rather the gardens!! Think I've found a little sanctuary for hiding out in all year round!! The place is gorgeous, and it's thanks to blip that I ventured back to explore the place properly!!!

Raining and windy today!! One of those tricky days to get any shots...all my shots seemed to have a hole/space where the sky should be...just vague light/white!! No colour, or detail!! Shots in the 'suns' direction (not out today), and with it behind me were all the same!! The sky was a flat mass of grey in reality anyway, so maybe it's just a difficult photo day??? Advice most welcome!!

ANYWAY...this blossom shelter was gorgeous, and as I stood under it looking toward the river and bridge to the little waterfall beyond, I tried hard to get a shot to do it justice!! After looking at all my shots, and accepting that I could never get both the nearby blossoms, and the distant scene ALL in focus (lol) I opted for the focus on the blossom!! (a) It's spring and the blossoms are not here to enjoy very long, and (b) a ruddy big bit plastic is again dangling off a branch by the water, to the left of the bridge!!!!! Sigh....

Anyone ever visiting Glasgow must definately give this a whole sunny days worth of time!!!! What with the inside of Pollock House, and the Burrell Collection to explore too....a great place!! !!! :-)))

PS... still catching up on comments for you all from yesterday...went to bed as planned at 1830hrs, and slept flat out till this morning!! Will catch up over course of the day!!

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