Oh God, It's Erling

By ohgoditserling


Best day of college yet.

Today we filmed a pilot for "The Wednesday Show" in class. It's been a pretty intense couple days leading up to now, but it seems to have paid off pretty well. After spending all of Monday working on the show's format and scripts and whatnot, Wednesday was our filming day. It was essentially a format similar to C4's 10 O'Clock Live, but starring Myself, Kirsten, Kris (with a K), and Chris (with a C).

I haven't said this in public many times, but I want to present. As much as I love being behind a camera or sat at an editing suite, the job I really want to land is as a presenter. Unlikely perhaps, and very competitive, but I feel I have something to give. And today I learned I'm actually not bad at it either. First time reading from an autocue, and... well, let's just say it was a success.

The whole shoot went really well, and admittedly some parts will need cut for legal and ethical reasons (not particularly unusual in a show like this). Also some parts just didn't work quite well enough. Thus, as it is the most likely to get cut, I thought I'd upload this photo of the Newspaper Desk segment, with our four selves in shot. Many thanks to Jo for taking it.

All in all, this exercise has pushed everyone to their limits. But this is what the industry is like, and it's taught us a lot about how it all works. I wouldn't for one second try to convince another class not to do this kind of activity. Even if it fails, it has been a massive success.

Here's hoping we can keep doing this for a long, long time.

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