a choice with only one option

As someone uncomfortable in conflict I attempt to avoid it at every opportunity. It's also somewhat unpleasant witnessing it, especially when it occurs amongst family or friends. Some situations may be inevitable but the steps to arrive at or progress from them need not all be heavy. If this is read by the relevant entity: my ears are always listening.

Despite the cold mistiness this evening the weather was dangerously close to far too warm early this afternoon, again threatening the slight possibility of snow-related amusements at the weekend. At least the mist promises both moisture and coldness. PLEASE SNOW.

Despite my complete failure so far this month to leave work before 5pm today was a relatively successful day despite getting two nice new close-by due dates and an email I really didn't want. The big pile of crap in the way of lots of nice things is slightly smaller. I even managed a decent-length walk at lunch. I might even be almost looking forward to tomorrow.

I'm not entirely sure why I've started speaking in short, terse paragraphs. Perhaps it's a phase I'm going through. I hope it isn't that I've started forgetting all the interesting thoughts I had earlier in the day by the time I come to write this. Maybe I need to start making a note of things as I think of them.

I would like to try and write more but it is quite lateish even though I've not long finished eating. I never even got round to making a nice cup of nettle tea and reading some of the leftover bits of the weekend's newspaper.

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