
By Oz

Lightning cloud

After yesterday's feeble effort I was blipping my ass off today, both cameras blazing.

Ended up with this picture of clouds. The sunlight on the edge of the clouds reminds me of lightning....maybe if you scrunch your eyes.....and drink a couple of zombies......just me?

Well don't complain to me, it was this or a picture of a notice board! Mind you it is an intersting notcie board which I will no doubt share at a later date. Today someone had posted a notice to say that a native quail chick had been found so if you have lost your pet quail call this number. Poor quail but kudos to the finder for taking the time to identify the breed of quail and providing an artists impression of the quail, just in case you thought it might but your quail but and didn't know the breed.

Anyway, that's all from me today.


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