Best part of the day

Usually, when I have the two big dogs for a week, the weather sucks and I have to spend a lot of time toweling them off. This week has and will continue to be lovely, apparently. That is, if I can trust the weather guy two houses down: he, with his cute, tight running outfits and sproingy jog, gets it wrong a lot of the time; like when he sees me gardening in the front yard and yodels: "You have about two hours before the rain gets here!" Then the rain starts either an hour later or three hours later. That's okay, truth is, with and the doppler radar, I don't really know how weather people's jobs keep from getting eliminated. He's on borrowed time, probably.

The rest of the day I spent time checking up on your journals, and continued to tick pre-trip to-do's of the list, the biggie being making sure that all the archived digital images for my client are consistent, in the right formats and backed up in four places. Too much sitting, so the walk in the snowy woods with the fresh air, sun and big, sweet dogs felt good. Only picture I took, they were particularly bouncy. Someone blipped a dog poo today and it was tremendously great and funny. I suppose I could've done that but didn't want to seem like a copycat.

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