My Aim is True


Every third thought shall be my blip.

I was very pleased to hear the news this morning that Baroness Newlove says that we can all set our neighbourhood speed limit and we'll be issued with speed guns. I am really looking forward to stopping all the chaps speeding by my house in their noisy wee cars. Excellent.

Work was work today. Not enough hours to get all the things I want done done.

Later on, by chance and mix up I ended up in quite an unusual building. As I had sort of slipped through the security (someone held the door open for me; it would have been churlish to point out that I shouldn't really have access). However there was nothing very interesting to blip. And I was a bit worried that some CCTV camera would catch me peering out windows looking for a blipable view.

But later on I spotted this this, I know it's been blipped before and better. But it looked so pretty in the evening sun (yes! the EVENING SUN).

"Every third thought shall be my blip." It's probably true f a lot of us eh?

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