Northern Exposure

By Northern

Approaching mist

A beautiful day and an invite for lunch took me to the west of the Orkney Mainland. My plan had been to enjoy a natter, lunch, discuss a bit of business and take a wander around Birsay. Which is about as far as I can drive from our house without having to board a ferry.

However we spent too long talking and eating and I remembered that Wednesday is early finish for the secondary school and I had said I would meet Ruairidh from the bus. So I had to dash back before I had a chance to take some pics of Birsay.

The tendrils of mist that had been creeping around the edges of the sunny isles all day had covered Burray by the time I got back but we were determined to go for a wee walk before picking Campbell up from 'Eco Warriors' after school club so we headed south to the next island and managed to find a corner that the mist hadn't reached yet.

Then we came home to hide in the clouds.


Smell Diary

As my sense of smell is gradually returning after an absence of several years I've decided to record things I smell, good and bad, that are almost like a new experience for me. My sense of smell is patchy but improving daily and frankly I am a bit taken a back at how intense some smells are. I assume that I will get used to some eventually and be able to tune them out but at the moment it's the equivalent of seeing things in the glorious technicolour of old movies.

Today's Good smells - soup, bere bannocks and cheese that my friend made for lunch. Hot chocolate the boys had after school

Today's Bad smells - the horrific sensory overload in the chemist. Perfume/shampoos/god knows what... I thought I was going to choke. Eeeuch. I had to hold my breath, and walk around holding my nose. If the rest of the world smells like this I may ask for my polyps back.

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