
By Frontier

Brand New World

Really, I could put any kind of title for this one. I mean, titles are so restricting despite being useful. I could call this "Pretentious-Art-Student-uses-camera-from-daddy" or "Two Moods" or something, and it'd still look the same. I'll attempt to clarify this later.

"Brand New World". Why? I'm currently playing a song on loop and I'm loving it at the moment. I love music and I'm loving house right now, not any kind of house however, but a specific kind. I don't know what to call it, but I know when I listen to it (any insight to its title would be appreciated as it annoys me sometimes not to know). The song is by Grant Nelson and it sounds a bit like David Morales' "Needin' You" and Julien Jabre's "Swimming Places". I like the sound especially when walking through a city, it's got energy.

The search for titles and labels lead me to a thought that countless others have arrived to before; that titles are simply a means to identify something. The shortcomings of such notions is the stunted meanings attributed to the actual subject. Other languages have other labels and therefore attribute other meanings and perspectives towards it. A flower, a shoe, the title of a job, etc. Yet ultimately, a supreme knowledge of all languages wouldn't even bring you anywhere closer to the complete meaning or truth of a subject.

So really, this title means something and nothing. It's great, it's crap, it's average, it's rubbish. It's both important and completely innocuous.

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