the song I'd play at my wedding

yeah right. already had a wedding..well, didn't, but I did get married, if you see what I mean. And I think that one wedding/marriage per lifetime is quite enough for someone who thinks that getting married is totally silly. So, there will be no song required for a wedding because there wasn't one and won't be one - right?
The song that came into my head to illustrate this, well, it's obvious...isn't it? Because I'd quite fancy some time on my own, at least for a month or two, maybe for November each year.
That was the theory anyway. Until my husband asked me if I'd be giving up eating gherkins and stuff then, would I? At which I admitted defeat and would like to state here, with the whole world (potentialy) reading this, that whoever you are, whatever gender or sex, creed or colour (I'm fussy about species, please only humans) if you happen to be able to open bigs jars with yummy things in them and if I should ever be in the marriage market again, you may send your application. Please apply with outline (1:1) of hand, photo, list of hobbies and a candle to hold in the November rain.

To those of you who follow - am now on antibiotics for the first time in 15 years! I'm officially ill and am very bored.

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