
I had to run out to a house to look at their paint job after work. It was right across the street from the look out for the jetty, so since I had no picture, I stopped and took one. It was gray and not much was happening. I had to get back to work to meet some customers coming from out of town about their cabinet order, so I only had time for this one. It was a crazy, busy, tiring and sometimes frustrating day - a Monday, for sure. I had to miss my visit with FarawayGrandma as we burn up the "miles" on the treadmill at the gym. After my after hours customers left, I had to go to the store for meds and food for dinner, I didn't even get to start cooking until 8:00 p.m. And I finally sat down to relax at 10:00 p.m.! But.... it was also a day filled with people who needed my help, problems that I was able to solve and a call from my daughter, after her doctors visit, sharing her news about how big her baby is now (she is due in July) And even though the day was gray, I still have the blessing of living in one of the most beautiful spots in the world, where even our dreariest days are beautiful if we just look.

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