With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Agu and the machine

No hint of an hour missing, and we all made it on time to our respective seats of learning. After a conversation with my brother last night (it being his birthday), I was reminded of how much I do learn every day in this job. Not always the expected of course.

Today some colleagues recounted their horrific experiences of an incident on Friday night and we were all stunned into silence. An evening out switched in seconds.

I was well in need of a quick coffee before tennis. Play felt distinctly warmer than last week, I suppose partly because of the hour change. I felt a bit more fluid though.

I still haven't managed to catch up with some friends who are over until tomorrow. The day was full of missed calls. I really can't get to the phone at all during the day. I suppose how it used to be. Maybe tomorrow will be the blip I was hoping for with them.

Little Agu and I called off at the Cooperative on the way home for some more olives, grapes and stuff. What a pleasure it is to shop there. He was given such attention and service. "For a man who knows what he wants", as they said to him. This is an old press of some kind outside the buildings, with the shadow of Agu and the newly acquired hyacinths that smell so wonderful they make me go weak at the knees.

Back blip of yesterday's Zoe and the machine

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