Club 107

By club107

A toast for healthy living and lots of eating

So butter is not exactly the best thing we can eat, but I always think that a little bit of everything does no harm. Therefore after a bout of badminton, girls versus moi, in the garden then some ball catching exercises with child #2, something to eat is really essential. I know some are conscious about not feeding children too much, but if the energy is going to be burned up giving their father the run around then something to eat before bed is essential.

The trip on the bus was good today except on the return journey I had to listen to some guys going on about all sorts of nonsense which I wouldn't repeat here. It was entertaining if nothing else, especially when they started talking about the band they were playing in, deriding having to play the songs like those dreadful American bands, Thin Lizzy and ACDC. I felt like coughing loudly 'Ahem' but thought the wiser of it.

Spent a large part of the day listening to Gorecki, what a shame he has gone.

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