Curtains to winter

The spring hour adjustment predictably wrecked my body clock this morning. Mr David77's confusion yesterday over what time I was going to wake up clearly festered in my mind and I woke at 5am. Or was it 6? Or 4? Who knows.

The day passed fairly uneventfully though a feeling of chaos in the workplace this afternoon caused me some uncharacteristic-of-late and very therapeutic guffawing. The feel-good mood continued in the evening when I turned down some more heart-quivering squash for a trip to Tesco on the bike instead. Nice to be able to go out in daylight in the evening and I even defeated the previously walked-up hill on the way back.

The multi-biscuit treat is well deserved, I think.

And I seem to be obsessed with using hyphens. Wrongly, I suspect.

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