Trial and Error

By DawnC

Where's Basil?

Basil's been limping all weekend and so I wasn't altogether surprised to look round and see no sign of him over the common this morning. Polly always worries when she doesn't know where he is. We waited for what seemed quite a long time, calling him, and I started to feel bad about having taken him for a walk while he was lame. However, just when we were going to head back the way we'd come to look for him, a Jack Russell appeared at the brow of the hill and behind him was a gentleman and walking alongside him was my errant Westie. I sometimes wonder when he does this if he actually realises that the person he's latched on to isn't me.

Anyway, we successfully completed the walk and I then took Basil to the vet's. His foot is still sore although the vet thinks he might also have a sprain. I held him in a headlock while she shaved some of the fur off his sore paw to improve its ventilation, and we left armed with anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, our monthly dose of deworming/defleaing medication, and £80 lighter.

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